Sunday, October 16, 2011

today i want to talk about..HIM

humm tetiba rasa nak tulis pasal ni.. dah lama dah rasa tapi xkesampaian je..huhu

i'm having a lot of problems here.. tmbh2 lagi in building a relationship..

lately sgt jeles bila tgok kwn2 ada someone that they can rely on..

seriously, nak satuuuu huhu

tapi bila pikir2 balik..xkan la nak accept seseorg bcause of that

xkan la nak terima dia sbb sunyi..

taknak... nak terima seseorg tu just only for one reason

because i love him

i want to accept someone that i can respect

someone i am comfortable with

someone i can play with

someone i can be cute with

bukannye sy xbersyukur ada mereka2 yg tertentu disisi..

it's just that.. we did not match..:(

they r adorable..

they r perfect..but not for imperfect me...

there are big gaps between us

huhu so at last ..tetap sendiri